Non-profit organizations we support

This is a list of non-profit organizations we support with donations. Generally, once we start supporting an organization, we continue supporting them every year.

In 2019, we will be making some changes to the list and the amount of funding. If you would like to apply for sponsorship of your organization, please drop an email to With the 2017 change in income tax law, we require some sort of advertising for our sponsorship.

Norwood Barracuda Swim Team — We purchased ads in the heat sheets for the 2016 NSSL Swim Championships.

Norwood Christmas Town — Horse-Drawn Trolley Ride Sponsor — 2016
           Pony Rides Sponsor —2017, 2018
Norwood Hometown Fireworks — Gold Sponsor — 2016, 2017, 2018

● The Big Q Golf Tournament —"Anonymous" sponsor —2016, 2017, 2018
Firefighter Phil provides elementary schools with a 30-minute assembly about fire prevention, fire safety, and respect for authority figures using their performers accompanied by firefighters from the local fire department. We support the program for the Norwood City School District (Norwood, Ohio). — 2017, 2018, 2019
Greater Cincinnati Police Athletic Association — We sponsored "Shop with a Police Officer," food baskets, sports sponsorships and other activities. — 2016, 2017
            Sadly, the GCPAA was closed for financial irregularities in 2018.

Norwood (Ohio) Police Association — We provided funds for "Shop with a Cop."  — 2018
United Service Organizations (USO) provides support for our troops and their families worldwide. We contribute to their programs. — 2016, 2017, 2018

Note: Of course, none of these organizations necessarily endorse Netburg Services.

Updated February 28, 2017.
Updated December 2, 2018.

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